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Simple Chemistry

Inspired by THIS !SAFETY! This is some dangerous stuff. It will mess you up.   Zn + 2 HCl          > ZnCl 2  + H 2


This giant masonry blade has been sitting around Freeside forever: Rust and dust are indicators of abandonment. Please make use of the rusty and dusty. Note the diamond tipped edge I KNOW!  Let's make a giant scythe for my Halloween costume!!  (Never too early to plan)

Thingiverse: Anatomic Human Foot

Freesider's are evermore professional printistas of sorts.  As our sprints are ramping up, there seems to be a growing interest in "organic modeling".  Things often found in nature fall into this category for CAD artists. Here is a recent Thingiverse upload, which was made from some very simple modeling techniques in Newtek's Lighwave 3D application.  A little goes a very long way, indeed. per There are 26 proper bones in the human foot; 28 if you consider the sesamoids of the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint complex. That's over 25% of your body's total musculo-skeletal anatomy, hitting the ground every time you go for a walk or run! Quite impressive, really. Read More: This anatomic foot model was designed in Newtek's Lightwave 3D, as part of the podcast @ Anatomic study models can be quite expensive,

Freesiders Hackers Collaborate in Medical / Surgical Research

Published in the May issue of the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery : " A Novel Combination of Printed 3-Dimensional Anatomic Templates and Computer-assisted Surgical Simulation for Virtual Preoperative Planning in Charcot Foot Reconstruction ." This collaboration of specialties represents an undertaking by members of Freeside Atlanta , Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance , and The Podiatry Institute .  Charcot foot reconstruction remains on of the most challenging procedures in foot and ankle surgery.  These procedures are often lengthy procedures which can be riddled with complications. With the help of Freeside Atlanta Members, institutional researchers used open source Osirix Image viewer and 3D Software such as Newtek's Lightwave or Blender to create simulated surgical reductions as well as 3D printed templates.  Freeside Atlanta members assisted in providing 3D printing solutions and know-how to the project. Experimental test prints were done on a M...

Red Bull Soapbox Derby

OH look! A package! I wonder who it is from? Maybe it is something about the Soapbox race? Looks like it Oh Man! Red Bull and a note card saying "thanks but no thanks."   Don't they know I prefer diet?!?

Onboard Firmware of the Human Brain

Freesiders are continually tinkering with robotics and other such machinery .  Many of these embedded processors and firmware are becoming open source and every-more diversified in the wake of the modern Maker movement . One notable boost to the hackerspace arsenal is the Arduino (an like platforms).  This offers designers an incredible power to devise not just individual devices but even the emergence of complex, integrated systems . This evolutionary pace of modern technological systems may be significantly faster the biologic system development, but there may be a few well learned tricks yet to be mastered.  It seems that studying how nature has managed to solve many development challenges will aid in designing robotics, where efficiently counts just as much. One  challenge, that is particularly interesting, is data processing.  Artificial intelligence is labored with processing data and producing a meaningful and useful output.  When consid...

3D printing in action.

After seeing Joshua Oster-Morris with this little box I asked him to write a post for us on how it came it to being. Worth the read. Dateline: San Francisco, May 10 2011: Google I/O 2011 opens up with much fanfare and I, a lowly “software guy”, sit down to listen to a couple of sessions on Google Web Toolkit. I have been using it to develop a motorcycle navigation website ( ) and its always good to try to pick up a few new tricks of trade. These are mainly esoteric talks about development tools, but there is also one about a new API called RequestFactory that allows state aware communication between client and server characterized by its low bandwidth. They discuss how it might be handy to use as a protocol for communicating with Android devices. To that, my ears perk up and I make my best impersonation (imdogination) of Scooby-Doo. I have been doing a little Android development for personal projects, I have an extensive craft cocktail recipe book that...