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Hack-a-Thon Nov. 21, 2009

I know I'm late getting around to posting these pics from the Hack-a-Thon that freeside participated in on Nov. 21, 2009, but got some pics from the projects I worked on. Here are some pics from the social side of the Hack-A-Thon: This is a quick project I did to make a hook system for my dogs food/water bowl so she didn't tip it over while in her crate. And this is some pics from my model rocket engine project. More details can be found at:

A project of light proportions

Taopunk was spotted last night working on a very intresting project. Can you non-freeside members figure out what it is??? Hmmm... Click on the picture to see a larger image. First guest to figure it out will win a Freeside T-shirt and sticker.

Photos From the Last Welding Class

Freeside Atlanta featured in this weeks Creative Loafing

Yesteday, Freeside Atlanta was featured on the front page of Creative Loafing Atlanta. Creative Loafing is a weekly newspaper focused on local culture, events, and entertainment. So grab one while supplies last! The online article and video can be viewed here on this Link as well.

MythTV InstallFest and Conference

Thanks to all attendees for making the day so great. Special thanks go to our generous sponsors: Schedules Direct, Inc. and pcHDTV, Inc. and to Jarod Wilson for autographing a copy of his "Hacking MythTV," Keith Watson and Aaron Ruscetta for providing their throughly enjoyable presentations, Scott McBrien (Fedora Ambassador) for stopping-in and supporting the event, David Knowles, Robert McCurdy, and everyone else from Freeside who donated their time, monitors and computer equipment. Clearly, the event could not have happened without you. Click for more photos Raw event specs and stats: The day started at 8:30 AM and eventually lost steam at 4:30 PM. Thirty five folks filtered in throughout the day. Keith Watson and Aaron Rusecetta delivered two highly appreciated and well attended presentations. We completed five fresh installs, but two other installs failed due to hardware issues. We raised about $100.00 for Freeside Atlanta. We raffled off one copy of "Hacking MythtTV...

Welding Classes at Freeside

I attended my first Freeside welding class this Sunday. While I have done some kinds of welding in the past, this was a new beast on its own. ARC welding! Arc Welding uses a welding power supply to create an electric arc between an electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding point. We spent most of the day cutting off sections of pipe and then welding them back on. This was a bit more challenging than it sounds. Below is some footage of Matt teaching a Freeside member how to weld a gap. In the future of this class we will continue learning ARC welding methods and then expand into Mig welding. Hopefully some TIG as well (if we can find a TIG welder). We also plan on designing and building gates for the back doors. I encourage all members and non members to come check it out and participate. It's like grown up soldering. Check the Freeside calendar for upcoming classes. Suggested class donation $10.

Circuit Bending Workshop December 2nd!!!

Hacker, makers, DIYers, noisemakers, and anyone interested come out to Freeside Atlanta the night of December 2nd between 7 and 9 pm for our monthly Circuit Bending Workshop. If you are not familiar with Circuit Bending please check out these videos and links: What is Circuit Bending (wikipedia) Please RSVP using EventBrite Thanks, DANtheMAN Circuit Bending Master