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Intorduction to Arduino Class

Join us a Freeside next Thursday for an Introduction to Arduino Class. The class will be aimed at the basics of Arduino Programming, so some programming experience in any environment would be preferred, but is by no means necessarry. We will even have a limited number of Arduinos and Computers, however if you have the ability, please bring your own laptop and Arduino to work with. Location: Freeside Atlanta Time: 7:30 - 10:00 pm E-Mail:

Pictures from the Welding Class

Just finished the Saturday series of welding classes at My Inventor Club. Matt from Freeside taught this one, but Shane from MIC does a series too. Here's Newt on the MIG while Charlie and I are playing around with aluminum on the TIG. Gloves and trendy jacket belong to the house, I just had to bring the glasses. Ear plugs may be a good idea too. Here I am, grinding down a piece for an ugly, abstract sculpture to practice on. All in all, we learned and then got to play with Oxy-Acetelene welding and cutting, grinding, portable band saws, MIG, Stick, TIG, and cut-off wheels. I came in with no experience and left with at least enough knowledge to not burn my own eyes out. According to Matt, they do the classes as 3 weeklies on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays with 2-4 person groups. Drop a line on the Freeside mailing list if you're interested and they'll put together a class.

Next Buildout March 3!

Next buildout is scheduled for March 3, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. For those not in the know, Buildout is when Freeside's members get for the purpose of making the space better, socializing, and eating food. Incidentally non-freesiders are more than welcome to show up, help, socialize, and then *maybe* become members afterward. Buildout's a great time for anyone to show they care for the space. If you have an idea for what needs worked on, please add it to the task list here: If you need something for said task, such as a ladder, please feel free to add it to the list here, and we'll try our best to see it shows up. Incidentally you might notice that many of these items don't have a responsible person. If you can please try to take ownership of at least one task. If you don't know what the task involves, it's possible no on else does either. Take...

Stanford University Online Courses

Stanford University will be offering free online classes this semester in a variety of fields. Students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the class too. We at Freeside are forming a study/discussion group to help people through these classes and kick around ideas related to the subject matter, with a focus on the Technology Entrepreneurship classes. any of the classes are open for discussion, so feel free to grab what interests you. The group will meet on Saturdays at 6pm. Classes still haven't opened yet, so it's not too late to sign up for one. You can find the main class here - and the links to the other classes are at the bottom. The following classes will be offered this semester: Entrepreneurship      Lean Launchpad      Technology Entrepreneurship Medicine      Anatomy Civil Engineering      Making Green Buildings Electrical Engr....

Reprap Firmware comparison, smoother prints

I've been running Sprinter on a RAMPS 1.4 control board for my MendelMax since I built it a few weeks ago. This is the most common firmware in use, with the most community support. However there are other firmware options that are faster and more cutting edge, at the expense of having more bugs and a smaller user base. Today I switched to Marlin because I read that it handles acceleration between moves more smoothly, and can draw smooth arcs as well (a much more experimental feature). I chose this funnel as my test print because the cone and cylinders comprising it cover a range of arc sizes. On the left we have a print with Sprinter. There is a strong ridge at the layer change point near the left side, and additional ridges on every edge around the model. This print took about 40 minutes. In the middle is the exact same gcode run by Marlin. The edge ridges are gone, but the layer change ridge is more pronounced, especially on the cylinder at the top. This is much closer to wh...

Lights to the North

Zane, a member of the 7Hills Makerspace ( to the north of us, has made this great light display for in front of his house. "...powered by a bluetooth enabled Arduino..." About $30 in parts and many hours with Zane's brain. Check out their group at and tell them Freeside says "Hello."