Great numbers turned out to fight the good fight on Thursday. Together we faced the mural and, each in our own hearts, said words over the icon that had been the auditorium mural. I had hated the mural, but in spreading the first layer of grey-green over the inaccurately spray-painted earth, I realized that I did not hate it, but loved it, in its passing, as a metaphor, a cautionary tale. It represents what happens when art and science are separated. Like a guitar tuned to .05 Hz below standard. Like a sculpture slowly collapsing from lack of structural support. The moon, so obstinately shining on the far side of the sun, was a reminder that only together can artists and engineers accomplish beautiful
and functional things.
We should all take care to remember that, as we move forward into a brave new age that contains 3D-printers, makerspaces, and DIY culture. Engineers, do not sneer at the BA's of the world. Artists, do not abstain from telling technical types that their designs are fugly (very nicely, of course). And you creatures who have a foot in both lands, do not reject one side of yourself. Only together can we prevent the Bad Astronomy Mural from happening again. Only together can we see the sun's own light shine on the correct side of the moon.
A metaphor for art without science |
A metaphor for rising above, on very sturdy ladders. |
Helping Rachel from Liberated Tech take apart things for the art party while paint dried. |
A blank canvas, a metaphor for what we made, itself a metaphor. It is an infinity mirror of metaphors, if you will humor me, and even if you won't. |
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