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Introducing Freeside!

[Cross-posted from the 2009-07-01 entry on my personal blog.] In January, I asked if anybody in Atlanta was interested in starting a hacker space . Turns out, many people were indeed interested! To say I've been pleasantly surprised would be a huge understatement. In a few short months, we've organized a thriving group of more than 50 dues-paying members -- with another 70 on-lookers, judging by the mailing list -- and we have recently signed a lease to make this thing a reality. We've met just about every Monday night at Manuel's Tavern to organize our effort and discuss specifics. We spread out across the city to investigate dozens of potential properties for lease. I think we drove the real estate agents a little batty with all of our questions. We were thorough . We analyzed other hacker spaces , with an eye on the lessons they learned. We made a huge effort to replicate things that went well with the others, and avoid things that did not. Our wiki became a repos...