When You Have Too Much Free Stuff! Our newest member Raul got his hands on a stack of about 40 picture frames that were being junked. On a general note Freeside tends to discourage large piles of objects randomly appearing as it tends to collect in corners. Raul got permission from our projects team with a time limit of a few weeks. In this case unnecessary, as the membership more or less attacked the pile of boxes and rapidly rendered them into things. Unfortunately starting off all the frames looked something like this: Not terribly useful. We don't even have any idea who these guys are. After a few passes through the planer, however, we get something like this: A perfectly good picture frame useful for stuff. First idea was to push a couple of these through a the laser cutter. Concept good, aim.... Aim was a little off. Also we had just rebuilt the laser computer and electronics so there were a couple of kinks to work out in CamBam's post processor:   ...
A diverse group of coders, makers, artists, scientists, system security researchers creating a hacker/maker space in Atlanta Georgia. We create new and exciting projects using diverse knowledge and teach free classes on a multitude of topics for the general public.